Tuesday 6 January 2009

We are on our way!

Things went in our favour this morning at Chester Court and N and I will be on our way to Lochs tomorrow, hopefully around lunchtime!.....more to come when we arrive

We are truly delighted and excited and can't wait to start on our adventure

Thanks to everyone for messages of support and encouragement - so here we go!


janwoo said...

So glad everything went well. Been busy washing & ironing, so I've only just logged in to see how you got on & it's already tomorrow, so in a few hours you will be on your way! By the time you read this you will probably already be on Lewis, so I hope you had a good journey. Wish you a great start to your adventure & look forward to reading all about it. Lots of love Jan

bethc said...

as always, with all good will i'm too slow - aye hope 'ur doin' fin' up in bonny scotland (that with really good scottish accent obviously!)

missing you already, had a lonely costa in your honour and hope costa's found it's way to Lewis! if not, i'll send supplies!!!!

Lots of love and warming hugs! hope you've taken your thermals!


Anonymous said...

Wayhay! Good news!! You'll be there by now and trying to remember what box has what in it. Book me in for a visit just as soon as the temperature gets above freezing up there!

Unknown said...

Hi Sarah, So how is life in rainy Lewis? Monitoring at Lancashire with Vic - she was just asking how you were so thought I'd read your blog for an update. Hope the journey went well - and that you're used to the wind now :-)