Sunday 8 March 2009

A lovely hairy Cow!

I know that you can buy postcards of Highland Cows, but somehow, when you have taken the picture yourself from the car window, the cow looks even prettier! Look at this one

I have been asked to post more pictures of the house and the village we live in. Every time I have my camera the weather is awful and yesterday, when the weather was beautiful my camera was at home.....but I have a couple taken from the road between Grimshader and Ranish. As the road winds between the hills there are a couple of places where you can see the house through the gaps.

Hard to see when the picture is that small, but our house is just above the silvery patch of water just to the right of centre of the shot. Hmmm, that didn't really work did it? Sorry Dad!

We are working hard again today at observing a traditional Lewis Sabbath. I am getting a bit better at doing very little, but need to try harder again next week. N and I went to church today in Leurbost - N happily pointed out that he knew far more people than I did, which was horribly true! Even the minister recognised him from a visit to the school. I enjoyed the calm atmosphere and the singing - especially the singing.

Did some more work on the family tree with "The Elder" yesterday - we now have around 350 names on it and still growing. Starting to pull a few reports from the data and finding the best way of looking at it. Not bumped into any new relations this week, although we talked, quite by chance yesterday to some one whose blog I have been watching for a few months. Strange how small this place really is!

Swimming, climbing and football are still the mainstays of N's out of school activities. He is playing for Lochs U12s and is in a tournament which runs every Tuesday night for another 4 weeks. The tournament is indoor and 5-a-side, so very fast and exciting to watch. We are trying to swim twice a week to get him good enough for canoe club, not sure if we are progressing or not. As for the climbing....that is great. We had an induction on the climbing wall in the Sports Centre, and that means we can go as often as we like - with me doing the belaying, rope thang. We went on our own for the first time yesterday, and fumbled our wya through the knot tying (with a bit of timely intervention from a climber just when we needed it!). N made it to the top via 3 different routes, each harder than the last - he is a bit of a natural.

This week the mobile library comes, so off to try and finish my books - although you can have as many as you like and there are no late fines, so if I don't finish it doesn't really matter! What a place


Tweed Thoughts said...

Lovely photos! Island life seems to agree with you both : )

Reg Gambier said...

Hi...sorry to intrude but I am very into Family History and although I use Family Tree Maker I am happy to swap ideas/thoughts as to useful/interesting ways to present/store material. Hope eggs and sucking are not appropriate as I blush easy (shy retiring boy..not!!)
Also interested in your Remote Working set up if not too personal?
I am happy to correspond off-blog if necessary.
regards from Gravir

Unknown said...

Wow! Just managed to get up to date with reading your blog - sounds like life is a total contrast between a social whirl and isolated beaches - heavenly! Love the photos too, gives an idea of the atmosphere - and I want to adopt the cow!!

Andrea Ingram said...

Nice images. Good to hear N is making plenty of chums!

Rusty said...

We have highly intelligent cattle here. Note the one in your photo which was checking the sign to see which way it needed to go next.

I have to admit, when I saw the title 'A lovely hairy cow!' I thought you were talking about me again.....

John Fox said...

I've a feeling that that Highland cow at Bostaidh is a permanent fixture hoping to relieve visitors to the beach of apples and carrots for I, too, have a picture of it taken at almost the same spot as yours!


Unknown said...

I have always wanted a Highland Cow, but my husband said the house is not big enough for it, as it has always been my dream to own one, now living in the Gaspe Coast in Quebec, you dont see them on a every day basis,just have to get used to looking at them on the postcards and ornaments.
Enjoy your blog, good entertaining reading.


abdullah-blogs said...

This is such a nice addition thanks!!!

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